What are the demographics of casino workers?

Demographics of casino gaming workers by race The most common race among casino gaming workers is white, who make up 63.3% of all casino gaming workers. The most common degree for casino dealers is the bachelor’s degree. 42% of casino dealers earn this degree. It’s highly unlikely that casinos and gambling will ever disappear into the sunset, especially now that the rise of cryptocurrencies has spawned things like Bitcoin casinos. Casinos offer a wide range of services to their customers. This figure therefore summarizes waiters, hoteliers, bartenders and

other casino jobs.

The average age of casino dealers is over 40 years, which corresponds to 62% of casino dealers. Based on the CVs of 1,316 casino dealers in the Zippia database, the average casino dealer stays at their job for one to two years. In addition to the oldest casino of all time, the Casino di Venezia, four other old casinos are open today
